WHAT IS STIFIn?STIFIn is an abbreviation for 5 Dominant Brain Hemispheres or also called Intelligenc...
WHAT IS STIFIn?STIFIn is an abbreviation for 5 Dominant Brain Hemispheres or also called Intelligence Machines, namely Sensing, Thinking, Intuiting, Feeling and Instinct.The STIFIn test is a fingerprint test by scanning 10 fingerprints to determine the dominant brain hemisphere which is the intelligence engine.The STIFIn test can be done from the age of 2.5 years to unlimited.Info: https://stifinbrain.com/tes-stifin-brainSTIFIn PROMOTORThe STIFIn test can only be carried out by those who have obtained a license as a STIFIn Brain Promoter. STIFIn Brain promoters are spread throughout Indonesia. Promoter of STIFIn Medan, STIFIn Aceh, STIFIn Padang, STIFIn Jambi, STIFIn Pekanbaru, STIFIn Bukittinggi, STIFIn Batam, STIFIn Bangka Belitung, STIFIn Jakarta, STIFIn Bandung, STIFIn Bengkulu, STIFIn Makassar, STIFIn Banjar, STIFIn Banyumas, STIFIn Denpasar, STIFIn Deli Serdang , STIFIn Bandar Lampung, STIFIn Palembang, STIFIn Banjarmasin, STIFIn Kota Ternate, STIFIn Nias, STIFIn Surabaya, STIFIn Ogan Hilir, STIFIn East Jakarta, STIFIn Bontang, STIFIn Depok, STIFIn Kotamobagu, STIFIn Lamongan, STIFIn Lahat, STIFIn Kotawaringin, STIFIn Kota Binjai , STIFIn Stabat, STIFIn Padang Sidimpuan, STIFIn Mandailing Natal, STIFIn Cirebon, STIFIn Malang, STIFIn Bogor, STIFIn Bekasi, STIFIn West Jakarta, STIFIn Cikarang, STIFIn Malang, STIFIn Kampar.Get information on the nearest STIFIn Brain promoter in your cityBy Clicking: https://stifinbrain.com/promotor-stifin-brain/ STIFIn PROMOTOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESIf you want to have a genetic potential aptitude testing service business at home, but dont have an educational background regarding human character.If you are a teacher/trainer/motivator/educator who wants to have tools to recognize a persons potential, character talent in a simple, easy and applicable way.If you are interested in the world of self-development, like to know human character, enjoy reading self-development books, are enthusiastic about providing consultations.Join Us to Become a Promoter of STIFIn Brain. Immediately register for the STIFIn Promoter Business Opportunity.Info: https://stifinbrain.com/peluang-bisnis-promotor-stifinPSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTATIONPersonal & Group Consultation to Overcome Personal, Family, Work, Business and Childrens Problems Using the STIFIn Psychological ApproachASSESSMENTServing assessments for the needs of recruitment, selection and placement of employees according to their potential.STIFIn SEMINARS & WORKSHOPOrganizing Thematic Workshops & Seminars with the themes of Business, Parenting, Personality, Couples, Learning, Teaching, HR, Communication, Leadership.SOURCE PERSONInviting Us to Become Resource Persons with the Themes Business, Parenting, Learning, Teaching, Profession, Couples, Based on Genetic PotentialSTIFIn TEST EQUIPMENTSTIFIn Application License to carry out STIFIn Tests in your agency independently with your own team.DOWNLOADDownload the STIFIn Promoter Application that you need. This STIFIn Promoter application can run if you have a Serial Number from the STIFIn Brain Head Office. Contact us to get it.https://stifinbrain.com/download-application-stifin/STIFIn BLOGArticles and reviews about STIFIn. STIFIn concept. Intelligence Machine. Genetic Personality. Thematic STIFIn. STIFIn Workshop. STIFIn Couple. STIFIn Parenting. STIFIn Business. STIFIn Profession. STIFIn Genetics. STIFIn Learning. STIFIn Teaching. STIFIn Human Resources. STIFIn Leaderhsip.https://stifinbrain.com/article-stifinSTIFIn TEST PRICESTIFIn Test Price (Update 2023) Rp. 500,000/testPrivate Session Price (Update 2023) Rp. 250,000/sessionSTIFIn Test Package Rp. 750,000/test/sessionAdditional STIFIn Home Visit Test Fee: Rp. 200,000/testSTIFIn Brain OfficialJl. Setia Budi Pasar. 1 No. 78DTanjung Sari Medan Selayang 20132WA: 0811 65 666 77 | 0811 6355 440Website: https://stifinbrain.comBrainity Solver CenterJl. Banyan No. 81 Market 5Deli Serdang Percut Sei TuanTembung North Sumatra 20137WA: 0811 657 6667Website: https://brainity.id